All That Jazz Ketubah by Ray Michaels

All That Jazz Ketubah by Ray Michaels
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Like the paintings of Wasily Kandinsky who transformed the sounds of jazz into visual images, this free-flowing, abstract design has an energy that feels spontaneous yet is balanced by deliberate rhythm and color choices. The subtle beveled design elements make the composition appear to be three-dimensional.

This ketubah fits into a standard 11" x 14" or 16" x 20" frame.
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All That Jazz (Giclée) measures 11 x 14".

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Traditional-Aramaic/English Text
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Reform Text
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Sephardic Text
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Anniversary Text

You many have Artist calligraphy personalization in English or Hebrew. $85 extra.
Print out the Ketubah Personalization Form and email or fax it back (please call before faxing).